• Membership benefits are subject to Club programs and reservations such as league matches, Social Tennis, lessons with the Club Pro, etc.

• Prior to playing, consult the Club Calendar on the Capilano Tennis Club website to confirm court availability .


• PLAY DURATION:  Playtime is limited to a maximum of 40 minutes if others are waiting.

• FOOTWEAR: Players must wear non-marking tennis shoes.

• GUESTS:  See our guest policy, here.  PAY GUEST FEE

 PRACTICE: The practice wall and ball machine can be used only when no others are waiting to play.


• To claim a court, players must sign up on the whiteboard located at the courts’ entrance, indicating their start time and all participants’ names.

• If all courts are occupied and at least two new waiting players have arrived, the court with the longest playing time must be vacated within 40 minutes of others waiting. As a courtesy, those playing for over 2 hours should vacate immediately.

• Courts not adhering to the whiteboard reservation system will be the first to vacate if other players are waiting.


• At least two (2) players must be present to claim a waiting status for a court.

• Waiting players should consult the whiteboard to determine which court is next to vacate, hang their rackets on the designated hook (Court 1, 2, 3, or 4), and verbally notify the active players of their waiting status.

• Waiting players should set a timer for 40 minutes and verbally notify the court to vacate when the timer completes.

• Before entering the court, players must update the whiteboard with their start time and names.

• Players who conclude their play may then follow the above procedure if they wish to continue playing on another court.

 Playing Time Limits

The CTC policies regarding playing time limits and waiting procedure applies equally to all members and their guests.

Club policies and procedures are implemented via the honour system. For questions or concerns, please email