About the Club

Weekly play
The Club mostly plays doubles unless we have insufficient players to fill a court for doubles (rare) and then we will have one singles court. We organize mixed doubles, ladies' and men's doubles matches. Matches are pre-set by the Games Co-ordinator once the sign-up for a particular day has closed.
Through the Members' area portal, members can access the online sign-up sheets for each day's play. Sign-up for play on Sunday mornings opens on Sunday at 8:00 p.m. for the following Sunday. If all spots are not booked, guests will be invited to fill out the courts. For play on Wednesday afternoons (1:00 - 3:00 p.m.) sign-up begins Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. for the following Wednesday,
Member eligibility
Before being accepted into membership, a prospective member will be judged on their level of play by those they play with / against in Club matches to ensure that, for the comfort of the applicant and enjoyment of all, the applicant meets a expected minimum skill NTRP level of 3.0. and shows a faimilarity with doubles strategies and court positioning. Not all applications are accepted.