We would like to advise everyone that due to the tremendous response we have had to our TBC Hub - Indoor+Outdoor 7-Day Advance Player Pass, we have had to temporarily discontinue sales for this item. We do not wish to oversell this pass and then have you, the purchaser, not be able to book your desired court time due to not enough available court time.
At this time, we will be carefully monitoring court time availability and will continuously re-evaluate the situation. We will be starting a wait list for the 7-day pass, so if you would like to be notified when the pass becomes available for purchase again, please email Karl Vukobrat directly at kvukobrat@tennisbc.org and let him know you’d like to be placed on the list.
We thank everyone for their continued patronage at the Tennis BC Hub locations and wish you all good health and lots of fun playing our game!