
South Cowichan Lawn Tennis Club Joins the Prestigious Centenary Tennis Clubs Association

As of 2024, South Cowichan Lawn Tennis Club has joined the Centenary Tennis Clubs Association (CTC), a global network of prestigious clubs over 100 years old. This membership opens up new opportunities for competition, collaboration, and growth, strengthening the club’s ties within the tennis community and enhancing the experience for its members.

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Tennis BC news article on our club

Learn about our club through the recent publication by Tennis BC.

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Application to become a member of Centenary Tennis Clubs

We are currently in the process of seeking distinguished membership status with the Centenary Tennis Clubs. The Association of Centenary Tennis Clubs (CTC) serves as an umbrella organization for clubs with a history spanning over 100 years, encompassing some of the most esteemed clubs in the sport. Presently, the association comprises more than 85 member clubs worldwide.

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SCLTC in the News

In July, our heritage club has been showcased by multiple news outlets.

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