
Outdoor tennis is available during day light hours starting from around March and goes until around the end of September. During the spring and summer months the club has rights to three paved courts within the grounds of the Royal Roads University. 


2025 LTC MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL will open mid January once we have our parking situation confimred with RRU.  More detials to come, please watch your email. 


LTC offers 3 types of memberships:

1.  An individual membersthip- available to be purchased and renewed on line

2. A family membership (this includes 2 adults and their children living at the same address)- available to be purchase and renewed on line.  Please note that the purchase of the family membership, does not automatically guarantee enterance into the junior program.  Please email Judy for current Junior Program information. 

3. A junior membership- please click on the 'Junior Page' and contact Judy to join.


Annual Membership Includes:

Use of 3 Outdoor Courts  

Your Tennis BC Membership  

Invites to all special events- see special events page for more details.  

Ability to enter club tournaments.  

Use of Ball Machine.


$152.50 for Individual New Members- Please use link below to join.

$305 for Family New Members- Please use link below to join.


$105 for Returning  2022 & 2023 Individual Members- Please log onto your ClubSpark Account to renew.

$210 for Returning 2022 & 2023 Family Members- Please log onto your ClubSpark Account to renew.


**Please note that you can have a one year absenteeism from the club for whatever reason, after that you need to pay for a new membership again.  Extenuating circumstances are evaluated on a one by one bases by the Executive.