Competitive Mixed Singles Ladder (Level 3.5+)


Start date: June 1st 

End Date:  July 17th 

Fee: $10.00 

Ladder Administrator: Shelley Sikora (780-212-1915)

This is a mixed singles ladder for  players at a Level 3.5+ (see the NTPR to assess your skill level).

Getting Started:

Contact the ladder administrator via text message to have your name added to the competitive ladder WhatsApp group.

Prior to the start of the ladder, a 3-member committee will assign each player an initial ranking. Note that the rankings are just a starting point, the list will even itself out fairly quickly once players start challenging each other.


Match Scoring: Best of three tie-break sets .The first two sets are regular (first to get six games) sets with a 6-6 tie broken with a 7-point tie break.  If a third set is required, games are not played, but players play a Championship tie-break (first to 10 points) in place of a third and deciding set.

Challenges: Use the WhatsApp group to challenge players (no higher than three positions above one’s own ranking on the table); if challenged, a player has up to 5 days to arrange a date and play the match. The losing player will have to wait a minimum of 2 days before challenging the same player in a re-match.


You will forfeit the match if you:

  1. Can’t play due to injury.
  2. Cancel on your opponent more than once.
  3. Are unable to agree on a time.
  • If the challenger (lower ranked player) offers 3 reasonable match times within the 5-day period and the challengee (person being challenged) cannot make any of them, then the challenger wins by forfeit
  • If the challengee (higher ranked player) offers 3 reasonable match times and the challenger cannot make any of them, then the challengee wins by default.

        4. Fail to show up, are more than a 1/2 hr late, or cancel on the other during match.

Reporting Results:

If a challenge is successful, challengers will move one step above their opponents on the rankings table, and their opponents will remain in the spot they were in before the challenge. The outcome of the match should be reported to the Ladder Administrator through WhatsApp. The Ladder Administrator will update the electronic spread sheet. You’ll be able to check your standing by checking the link posted on WhatsApp.

The ladder will end on July 17th, following which the final rankings will be tabulated. A prize will go to the top men’s and women’s competitor.