New clubcourts tennis lovers
Fri, 27 Apr 2012 00:00

New clubcourts tennis lovers
Friday, April 27, 2012 7:30:06 EDT AM
Seven local residents have launched the Collingwood Community Tennis Club (CCTC).
Partnering with the Town of Collingwood, the club is offering junior lessons on the Mair Mills court, an adult league, and adult clinics on the Princeton Shores Town courts. Registration started last week and already the club has 30 interested members -- 20 juniors for lessons and 10 adults for the Tuesday and Wednesday night league.
Committee member Kristin Ellis speaks to the potential of a tennis club in Collingwood.
"Tennis is a perfect fit for an active town like Collingwood and similar to skiing it is a lifelong family sport," she said. "I play with my eight-year old son and my 70-year-mother -- both are very competitive and they can now hit with each other which is amazing to see.
"We knew when we started this idea that there are successful tennis programs in both Wasaga Beach and the Blue Mountains but for most part it is adults playing not kids," she aded. "A big part of our motivation is to see kids riding their bikes, or walking to the courts after school or on weekends to play with their friends in an unstructured environment."
The club initially hoped to be based at Kinsmen Park where there are two courts on Lockhart Road and a small playground. This location is ideal spot due to its proximity to five schools and it would give the CCI Tennis Team a place to practice.
In the end the committee felt the rundown courts were not suitable for lessons. The hope is next summer the Collingwood Tennis Club will be based at Kinsmen Park on Lockhart Road if the Town goes ahead and resurfaced the two courts.
The members of the Tennis Committee are all lifelong tennis players including Jill Ward, James Saunders, Patrick Flynn, Dickon Worsley, Kris Ellis, Gigi Worts and Melissa Worts. All seven members have met regularly since the fall and are pleased to finally see a tennis club, registered under the Ontario Tennis Association in Collingwood, accepting registrations.
Junior lessons commence June 2nd and run for 12 Saturdays for $65.
The adult membership is $60 or $100 for a couple. The mixed Adult league starts June 5th on Tuesday or Wednesday at 6 p.m. at Princeton Shores.
Adult clinics are available upon request for Thursday and Friday nights at 6 p.m., also at Princeton Shores.
Registration is open until May 10th and forms can be found on the new website, and dropped off to Saunders Office Pro, 57 Hurontario St. All inquiries can be directed to