Private Lessons (adults & kids)

Tennis challenges you to improve, to hit your strokes and develop your strategy to become a more efficient, effective player. When you improve your game, you don’t just become a better player. You also get the satisfaction that comes from mastering a skill.

That’s where pros, teaching professionals, not pro players  and tennis lessons come into the picture. When you get serious about your tennis, even if you’re just playing for fun, you need to consider taking tennis lessons.

Amber Schneider is our Tennis Canada certified teaching professional. Amber is one of Tennis Manitoba's provincial team coaches.

LESSONS - RATES (per hour)

Private (1 person):  $66.00

Semi Private (2 people): $38.50 / person

Group of 3: $33.00 / person

Group of 4: $28.75 / person



Please contact Amber directly at: