NTC plays in the Intercounty Tennis Association league

We will be offering the following Inter-County (ICTA) teams for the 2025 Spring/Summer season (May through August). 



  • Ladies Majors Team – Matches on Wednesday mornings, hosted in Nobleton
  • Ladies B Team – Matches on Wednesday mornings, hosted in Nobleton


  • 55+ B Team – Matches on Thursday mornings, hosted in Nobleton


  • Mixed A Team – Matches on Thursday evenings, hosted in Nobleton
  • Mixed B Team – Matches on Tuesday evenings, hosted in Nobleton

Please share this info with any friends that you think might be interested. You DO NOT need to be a member to try out.

Please send an email to nobletontennis@gmail.com indicating your interest in which team and any other questions about InterCounty teams. Once you indicate your interest, you will be contacted directly regarding tyrouts, other team updates. 


Inter-County Overview

·  The inter-county leagues are made up of competitive teams that travel to other clubs to play–Home & Away doubles matches

·  Inter-county division chair decides which geographical area a level a team competes in. 

·  Players are assigned to courts based on skill level. Captains create the player line up.

·  Regular players are expected to be available for at least 10 matches. You may ask to play as a sub if you can't commit to regular play.

·  In addition to regular matches teams may have weekly practices. 

·  At the end of the season, winning teams get promoted, teams at the bottom of the division get relegated.

·  Club membership required to play on any of the teams.

 Skill evaluation required if you have not played a complete season in ICTA. 

Captains names and contact info will be listed here in the spring.

Mixed Inter-County 

  • ​12 players (minimum) on a team
  • A fixture is 6 doubles matches comprised of :
  • 1 Men's line
  • 1 Women's line
  • 2 Mixed lines
  • 2 Open lines
  • All matches are best of 3 sets
  • 7:00pm-11:00pm unless the captains mutually decide on a different time frame. 

Ladies Inter-County 

  • ​A minimum of 8 women comprise a team
  • 4 courts of doubles are played for A
  • 3 courts of doubles for C
  • All matches are best of 3 sets​ 
  • 9:30am until matches are completed or in the case of court restrictions (2hrs) 
  • Captains may alter times to meet courts demands.


Plus 55 Inter-County B Division

  • 1 men's line 
  • 1 women's line
  • 1 mixed line 
  • Best of 3 sets
  • Eligibility 55yrs and older. 
  • 9:30 -11:30am unless the captains mutually decide on another time frame.