AGM 2023 Minutes

MBTC AGM May 8, 2023 6:30 Mahone Bay Centre


Exec: Derek Lohnes, Carmel Zinck, Mary Paula MacEachern, MJ Martino, Katie Condon.  Absent: Eidilh Campbell, Jeanie MacEachern

John Taylor, Peggy Macdonald, Annette St. Onge, Wendy Oxley, Suzanne Van Damm, Kathy Armstrong, Shaun and Cathy MacEachern,

Scott Lutes, Bryan Palfreyman, Elizabeth Watson, Sue Bookchin


Call to Order (Mary Paula)

Approval of 2022 AGM Meeting Minutes (Wendy, Kathy Armstrong)

Approval of Agenda (John , Kathy A)

Presentation and approval of 21/22 Financials : Katie Condon

Wendy suggested a banner explaining savings to the club for using etransfer over VISA to pay memberships. Scott wondered about Debit usage and fees and MJ with inquire with TC.

Peggy asked about balls ($5 per can) and profit generated. We are planning to continue to supply balls, this year’s costs to be announced shortly.

Katie noted net post repairs and the cost of those last year.

Annette noted the 3 lifetime members and offered to send along their contact info so that the club might keep them up to date on events and activities.

Annette also noted that we need to send financials to Joint Stocks within 4 months of year end. She noted her confidence in our accounting personnel. 

Scott asked about the balance of the ramp and washroom cost and balance, and explanation from the presented balance sheet was given.

Annette discussed the option of a double entry style of account and offered to help set this up, for the sake of clarity moving forward.

John noted that Bill Sherman, retired, was the contact for grant money refunded (company hired did not show up).

Carmel noted that we spent 38k on improvements, 30k in grants and 8k from club fees.

Scott Lutes spoke with pavers from the Fire Hall and got them to work on the accessible section to our new ramp. Thank you Scott!

Annette noted town grants are available

John noted that the banner is faded and outdated and needs to include ACOA, MODL, Town of Mahone Bay. MJ has a pending meeting with PC to conceive a new banner, with all sponsors noted on it.

Motion to accept financials (Wendy, seconded by Scott)

President’s Report (Mary Paula MacEachern)

MP presented a detailed and heartening report of the many programs and improvements implemented at the club last year. All programs from last year return, with a few new events in the planning stages.


Motion to approve President’s report (Peggy, Wendy)

The Board announced that Eidilh Campbell, board member, is stepping down from her position. Eidilh was thanked for her excellent service over the last few years. 

Motion to add Derek Lohnes as Property Supervisor

Nominated by Carmel and seconded by MP

Approved by all

Peggy nominated Scott Lutes as new director, seconded by Wendy

Approved by all

General discussion and Q and A

Wendy Oxley:

Wendy gave membership a printed note with several categories to add to the website:

Executive tab identifying Executive, Directors, and their positions

(Motion passed, MJ to update website)

AGM Minutes tab on website, MJ to add pending final draft of minutes

Emergency phone number and email: Discussion resolved to phoning 911/emailing the club email. An emergency contact for the executive to be posted inside the clubhouse

Membership List tab on website: Some concern about privacy. 

Parameters/Rights for Associated Membership:

These will be discussed this season with LTC, in the hope of defining and standardizing AM’s at both, or all 3 (BW) integrated clubs.

Parameters for Vacation Membership: the new Vacation membership offers members of one household the opportunity to play for up to 4 weeks for a $40 fee. Further discussion at our upcoming June meeting at the courts.

Tokens or some identifiers to differentiate the different levels of membership:

Katie spoke to the unusual cost of such tokens and stated that was the reason they were discontinued.

Annual Capital Expenditures Plan/Budget:

A budget has not, traditionally, been announced each year. Last year was extraordinary, with the large grants received for the washroom/ramp projects. The club takes in approx 13k/year from member fees and events. Membership asked that plans for larger purchases be announced in advance. MJ noted that some expenditures can’t be done this way, as grant approval, post financial statements, is not guaranteed, and thus neither is related spending/labour in kind from MBTC

Constitution needs to be sourced and published on our website. MJ, with the help of John Taylor, to investigate and publish.

Suggestion to allow all members to only book one week in advance- set currently on website.

MJ to investigate website activation of this concept

Motion to investigate purchase a modern ball machine. The old machine is working (thanks to Shaun M.) but exec will source out cost of a new machine.

John Taylor suggested a tournament to support Feed Nova Scotia.

Scott Lutes proposed applying for a grant for continued access support and equipment. Shaun broached the need for a defibrillator kit on site for the club. Exec will investigate availability.  

Motion to adjourn ( Kathy and Sue) at 8:02. Motion carried.