Members Update November 4, 2021

Club Reminders


1. Please do not use the ball machine when the courts are wet.


2. If you are the last person to leave the club or the courts, please ensure that the combination lock is secured and that the outside patio doors and windows are all closed and locked.


3. Winter rules are now in effect. As a result, the net on court 4 is down and there is a slight change in court restrictions. If you are first to arrive at the courts and you spend the time to squeegee and dry the court, you are entitled to play on that court as long as there is no influx of other players. If and when new players arrive they will need to squeegee and dry their own court. As more players arrive, they then have the option of squeeging and drying the 3rd court, or waiting and implementing the white board rules.


4. We have had 63 members provide proof of vaccination. Those 63 members now have fob access to the clubhouse and are free to use the washrooms, but we ask that you avoid using the kitchen facilities.  If you have provided proof we ask that you please do not allow unvaccinated members or people whose proof of vaccine you have not seen, to enter the club. If you are not vaccinated we ask that you stay away from the club. If you are vaccinated but have not provided proof of vaccination, please do so by sending a copy of your vaccination passport to


At the upcoming AGM we intend to discuss with the membership such matters as whether or not proof of vaccination will be required for ongoing membership at NWTC.  We will also be discussing guest policy and proof of vaccination issues as they apply to guests. 



NWTC Executive Committee